UCM accomplishes its mission for making disciples in part by providing the church corporately and members and attendees individually with Christian growth opportunities to help every adult UCMer be discipled while discipling others.

The following areas are under the purview of the Discipleship Ministry:

Kingdom Fellowship

The Fellowship comprises Kingdom Men Fellowship and Kingdom Women Fellowship. Both seek to gather and engage UCMers and newcomers by providing a venue where friendships are fostered. Through regular in-person gatherings offering hospitality, themed discussions, praise, prayer, and outreach service opportunities, the Fellowship encourages each man and woman in their Spiritual Journey.


EVERY FIRST SATURDAY | 9 AM - NOON | UCM FELLOWSHIP HALL Come for the first time, anytime: [email protected].


EVERY SECOND SATURDAY | 9 AM - 11 AM | UCM FELLOWSHIP HALL To join, please register here or contact [email protected].

Small Groups

At UCM, everyone is encouraged to be in a Small Group. Geared toward a threefold purpose of belonging, building up, and bearing fruit to foster Christ-centered community within the larger church, Small Groups are the primary vehicle for the Spiritual Journey. In SGs, people at all stages are learning to live and love just as Christ did. These groups cultivate authentic relationships that allow individuals to let their guard down, dialogue, share their struggles and victories, and pray with and for one another. Transformation happens because trust and camaraderie flourish, which flows into ministry outwardly.


Join a Small Group by filling out the brief Get Connected form.

One-on-One or Two Disciple-making

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. A “catalyst” is a substance that modifies the rate of a reaction. UCM’s Catalytic Discipleship Lessons (CDL) is a seven-lesson set of foundational Christian assurances and practices designed to help activate and accelerate new believers in their Spiritual Journey.

CDL also aims to equip and activate UCMers in disciple-making based on Jesus’ commission to go and do it. Christians are often content being discipled by osmosis — a gradual, usually unconscious process of absorption. We participate in regular Christian activities like attending church, Bible studies, and seminars, trusting that we will grow as disciples. The gradual acquisition of knowledge and experience along the Christian journey is right and good. But there is more to grow into. God calls us to the intentional and deliberate act of making disciples.